Monday, December 7, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I went to the page of my home town where I am from and changed the mayor to Elizabeth A. Bigley, on Saturday November 28th. After about an hour, I checked the Stratford, CT page on Wikipedia and it was changed back to James Miron.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Midterm Part 1

Cool Glove

Is there reason you are not exercising enough? Is it because you hate getting extremely tired after exercising for about twenty minutes? Well there is a new ‘glove’ that can cool you down in a five minutes, so you are not as tired. After a person’s body temperature gets high and people start to sweat, then this person gets tired and wants to quit. With Dennis Grom’s new revolutionary technology the ‘Cool Glove’ people will be able to exercise longer and better. This glove will help bring the body temperature down.

One way that advertisers could take this product and market it well is by appealing to the emotions of people in today’s society, emotional branding. More than 60% of our population is over 300lbs. Our society is getting bigger and bigger every day. The Cool Glove can be marketed to help obese people lose weight easier and faster. People will be able to work out and not get tired as fast. This glove can be sold at gyms. People that go to the gym want to get a good work out, but sometimes they are too hot to keep going; drinking water does not always cool the body down. Drinking water helps, but using the glove would be more affective. Drinking water would not be replaced by the glove. While a person is just hanging out in the summer they could also have a glove just to keep them cool and make sure their body temperatures are not out of control.

Right now is the perfect time for this invention, if our society keeps going at the rate it is going, everyone will be obese by 2020. This glove can be used by kids, teenagers, athletes and adults. Kids are always playing sports and might not be able to play as well because they are hot, but now if they have a glove on, then the players can play to their full potential. People use drugs and steroids to enhance their performance while playing sports. This glove could change the performance of athletes. People will not need to take steroids to build muscle. The Cool Glove will make it so the athlete is not tired and hot from working out and will be able to work out a lot longer and better.

To appeal to the emotions the Cool Glove representatives should partner up with a popular television show, which tells the story of 16 contestants trying to lose weight, the show is the “Biggest Loser”. Good advertising for the Cool Glove would be to have the contestants on the show use the glove. This will be beneficial to the contestants as well; to stay cool and not get so overheated, while the company is making money because these people are losing weight and wearing the glove. People on that show work so hard and sweat more than most normal people working out do. If they wore the glove they would not be as prone to pass out like they have in the past because their body temperatures would not climb to such absurd temperatures. This would be a perfect way to advertise subliminally. People will recognize this glove, see that it is helping heavy set people on the show, which will make them want to go out and buy one. This would be like under the radar marketing.

Even though it is hard to start working out after a person has let themselves go, they can still do it now. Dennis Grom’s cool glove could change the United States and other countries as well. Everyone can exercise but the world has become so lazy that they are willing to gain a few extra pounds by driving through a fast food window, then to go into a restaurant and have a healthy meal. This is driving the economy down. When people exercise they are releasing endorphins which give the body energy. People will not be as lazy. This is perfect of the sellers and marketers of the Cool Glove. This product is going to change the earth for the better. It will help boost the economy and people will be able to get energy and work out to be in the best shape of their lives.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Persuader Questions

1. "The Persuaders" begins by questioning the increase in the amount of advertising we typically encounter in our daily lives. How would you assess the amount of advertising you see? Too much? Too little? Just right? In your view, what difference does it make to know that people today see much more advertising in their daily lives than people 20 or 30 years ago?

I never recognized how much advertisement there is in the world and in our everyday life. Everywhere we go there are advertisements. Even in college when you walk down the hall there are signs and posters advertising for different upcoming events. I thought it was amazing that they say there are advertisements in the holes at golf courses; advertisers have to think of such creative new ideas now a day because everyone can put up a billboard or a commercial on television. If I sit down and think about how much advertisement I see in a day there is way to much and a lot of it is very repetitive. At Marist College there are probably 100 signs up for every important event. This may not be commercial advertising, but it is still advertising. The napkin holders in the cafeteria have upcoming events, and there are also little signs on each table. This is way too much stuff to say that there is a ‘majors and minors fair on Wednesday’. This is clutter. When we go into the college bathrooms there are flyers for clubs and parties on the sinks and on the shelves.
Every time I turn on my computer and go on the internet, the screen is filled with what I actually want to see and advertisements for stuff that most people do not click on. There are ads for movies, college courses online, shopping opportunities, vacations, and almost anything you can imagine.
A few decades ago there were television ads; those were some of the biggest advertisement opportunities. Now people can fast forward through television advertisements and this frustrates the companies that make the ads. The thing is because we as a generation are so used to it that we do not even notice it that much anymore and advertisers do not like that. This new age has become more versed with technology that anyone can make up an advertisement and post it anywhere. There are advertisements for getting ads made. This means there could be anything in the next 20 years.

2.Where are things headed in the future? What are some possible scenarios that could play out as far as the direction that future persuaders may take their marketing techniques?

Anything could be possible in the future, there are already some interesting ways of advertising. There are advertisements in the sky, skywriting; there are buildings that have pictures and advertisements on the entire side of it. People are coming up with lots of different ways to advertise because they want to stand out. Because there are so many people trying to come up with different ideas all at the same time that it just becomes chaotic. Also sometimes when someone comes up with an idea, it seems good at first but then there is always someone that can out due them, and then they are back where they started. This just means that in the future everything will probably be advertisements like on roads and sidewalks, sides of buildings even when they aren’t in the city.
Our world will be so cluttered with advertisements that it will be horrible, if we continue at this rate. Everywhere you look there is going to be advertisements for the most random stuff and in the most random places, at the bottom of cups, on the ground at restaurants, and so much more. I cannot even begin to imagine what they will come up with next.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

myth of photographic truth

This picture just looks like three men sitting on the side of the road looking at something, we do not know what they are looking at at first. When we cropp images sometimes we loose the real meaning of the image. When you look at the original photo you can see what they are looking at and why they are sitting on the side of the street.
The men are sitting on the side of the road because they are being forced to sit there by military men. They are looking at what could be a friend or family member getting questioned by a man with a gun.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Photoshop as a Medium

Photoshop is a program where the user can digitally enhance or change the photograph any way they want. Photoshop's content is photos, colors, brushes, swatches, templates, pixels, tools, shapes and much more. The program can be broken down into many different aspects all the pictures that are displayed have pixels and color. The message in Photoshop is to create a picture that is unique. In Photshop the user can take a picture and change the slightest thing, or drastically edit the entire photo. The user can combine pictures and even take apart pictures. This is helping people edit for advertisements and posters. Before Photoshop people would have to take a picture cut it up and then scan it back onto the computer or even paint or draw the picture.

Update Questions

I could not figure out how to make the back round bigger when I ran out of room on my screen. I would like to make it not look as crowded. I had trouble splitting a layer after i combined them. Also my back round is white so there is no distinction of where the photo starts and ends.

3 Innovative Mediums

1. Cell Phones

2. Webcams

3. iPod Touch

Monday, September 14, 2009

Skype Medium Photoshop Collage

Skype is a new way for people to talk over the computer. You can see your friends hundreds of miles away by just sitting on your computer. Skype lets people see each other through webcams. Webcams let you hear, see, take pictures, play games with your friends, and even instant message them. Skype has combined video camera, phones, instant messenger and so much more into one small tool. Families can keep in touch from anywhere in the world, and there is less need for IM and talking on cell phones if you are near a computer. With skype you can hear and SEE the other person almost like they are in the room with you.